Welcome to Why I WAH

When I was thinking of an appropriate name for my blog, I decided on Why I WAH for the simple reason that I'm not only trying to be successful at working from home, but I want to help others do the same. It is not always easy to work from home no matter what anyone says. You have to have the drive and dedication to getting the job finished. Many times you will not have a boss breathing down your neck to finish an assignment. So, you also have to think about why you want to WAH, as well, and hold that close to give you the perseverance to work at it.

Monday, January 26, 2015

New Year – Look Back at Popular Posts: TranscribeMe!, Convergys, Weegy & Freelancer

Okay, it’s almost a month into the New Year, and are you keeping up with your resolutions?  I’m sure some of you are thinking, yes, my resolutions are sticking while others are finding that they’ve already drifted from their goals.  It’s still early enough in the year to get back on track with your resolutions.  If your resolution was to get started with a new WAH opportunity, take a look back at some of the more popular posts.

·        TranscribeMe!:
Transcription service. 
Original post can be accessed through this link.
They have changed from the Water Cooler to another communication source, but the concept is still the same.

·        Convergys:
WAH phone opportunity in many states.
Original post can be accessed through this link.  Please note that the link was no longer working, but I have updated it with the new information as they have changed where to apply.

Answering questions.
Original post can be accessed through this link.
No changes that I am aware of yet.

·        Freelancer:
Marketplace for freelancers to meet up with clients.  A wide variety of tasks available.
Original post can be accessed through this link.
No changes that I am aware of yet.
These are just a scattering of the opportunities that I have posted, and I look forward to posting more for the future.  If you find that a post has invalid links or any other inconsistencies, please contact me.  Using the comment section is fine or sending me a direct email.  Either way I’ll take a look.  Also, if you have any opportunities you’d like featured or want to know more about, I’m happy to look into it.

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