Welcome to Why I WAH

When I was thinking of an appropriate name for my blog, I decided on Why I WAH for the simple reason that I'm not only trying to be successful at working from home, but I want to help others do the same. It is not always easy to work from home no matter what anyone says. You have to have the drive and dedication to getting the job finished. Many times you will not have a boss breathing down your neck to finish an assignment. So, you also have to think about why you want to WAH, as well, and hold that close to give you the perseverance to work at it.

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year, New You

It's already the second of the year, and there's no time like the present for getting your career goals in order.  It's easy to let things come up that cause you to fall off track.  Your family.  Your friends.  Even the job that you have can present stumbling blocks if you are looking to get something bigger and better for yourself. 

When you create your resolutions for the coming year, there are several things you want to do with them.

1. Make them realistic, but not so easy that you aren't challenging yourself.
2. Create a timeline or schedule of when you need to achieve parts of your goals to make yourself accountable for yourself.
3. Reward yourself.  Don't neglect setting up points in your timeline for when you can reward yourself for hitting those targets.

As my first post of the year, here are some of the most popular blogs from previous years that are currently open to hiring.

Transcription service. 
Original post can be accessed through this link.
They have changed from the Water Cooler to another communication source, but the concept is still the same.

·        Convergys:
WAH phone opportunity in many states.
Original post can be accessed through this link.  Please note that the link was no longer working, but I have updated it with the new information as they have changed where to apply.

Answering questions.
Original post can be accessed through this link.
No changes that I am aware of yet.

·        Freelancer:
Marketplace for freelancers to meet up with clients.  A wide variety of tasks available.
Original post can be accessed through this link.
No changes that I am aware of yet.

I have a full bookmarked page of more opportunities that I'll be sharing over the coming months.  Be ready!

Good luck to you in the new year with all of your WAH goals.

- Shannon 

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