If you are a previous visitor to my blog, you’ve probably
noticed that I’ve made a few updates to the way that it looks. I’ve taken some time to revamp my
descriptions and headers along with tweaking the layout a little. In the coming days, I’ll be adding and
changing a few more things, including updating my Google+ account. I like the new theme in that I want this year
to be just as exciting and eye-catching as the bright colors and design. I will be posting every weekday with
information from the WAH world. Not
every post will be about WAH opportunities, but anything that might make your
life easier as someone who works from home.
I’m a mom, so there will be some fun stuff for families to share, and
some great ways to reduce the amount of money you spend. I like to look at my budget in that any money
I can shave off from my expenses is that much less that I have to earn that
month (or can be used for something else fun).
Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions on what you’d like to
see in the coming weeks or if you have a website you’d like to share. If you happen to visit my blog through a RSS
reader like Feedspot, please feel free to become a follower through the blog
itself as I’d love to see my readers count go up. I work hard to research and write up these
opportunities, and it helps to give me a good feel to see that I’m helping.
Hope your New Year is going exactly as planned and your
resolutions haven’t fallen by the wayside yet.
If they have, don’t worry, I’m not going to tell.
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