I always say you should do what you love and if you love geeky things then writing for Dorkly might be right up
your alley! They accept both articles
and picture galleries. You can expect to
be paid around $35 to $75 for an article and $25 to $35 for a picture gallery
depending on length. Submit your idea
for an article (articles@dorkly.com)
or picture gallery (galleries@dorkly.com)
to their editors to see if they are interested in your pitch. They give some awesome examples to help you
come up with your own ideas for pitches.
- Paid to write about geeky things
- Pitch your own ideas
- Assistance from editors to get the article that works for them
- Decent pay amount compared to content mill work
- Does not mention any limits as to how often you can pitch
- You have to pitch (yes, this can be a stumbling block for many, including myself)
- Idea might not be selected
- No set schedule
I think that if this opportunity sounds
like something that is right up your alley, you should give it a try. No one likes to be rejected, but the more pitches you do, the better you will get. Here is a tip to help you pitch: Not only
should you read over the examples they have provided, but you should look over the website
as a whole to get a feel for their style, content and vibe.
Quick edit: Did you miss my blog on brushing up on your writing skills? Check it out here.
Quick edit: Did you miss my blog on brushing up on your writing skills? Check it out here.
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