Welcome to Why I WAH

When I was thinking of an appropriate name for my blog, I decided on Why I WAH for the simple reason that I'm not only trying to be successful at working from home, but I want to help others do the same. It is not always easy to work from home no matter what anyone says. You have to have the drive and dedication to getting the job finished. Many times you will not have a boss breathing down your neck to finish an assignment. So, you also have to think about why you want to WAH, as well, and hold that close to give you the perseverance to work at it.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Stop the Hunt and Peck Method – Home Row Keys Rule

Yes, some people rely on the hunt and peck method of typing where they have their hands way above the keys and search for the letter that they need.  It can make typing a burden and make a simple comment (like for last Wednesday’s post on Postloop) take forever to write.  Here are some free websites that offer fun ways to go from an unskilled keyboarder to an expert typist.  Home row keys are the way to go.  These are the middle set of keys that you rest your fingers on and then move your fingers up or down (side to side) to type.  A good typist is able to watch what they are typing rather than the keys that they are typing because the layout of the keyboard become second nature.    

(Shout out to Mr. Klepac, my keyboarding and business teacher back at Memorial HS for teaching me the home row keys.  It took me a while to get the hang of it, but now it’s second nature!)

  • A good place to start would be a timed typing test.  Many WAH opportunities list a word per minute (wpm) that is required to work for their company.  These tests can show you your current wpm and be a great way to speed up.

  • The above testing website also has a typing tutor, but there are other websites out there.  This website seeks to teach the home row. 
  • Not ready for that?  You can play typing games.  Yes, some of these may be created for kids, but it’s the same skills packaged in a fun manner!

o   Some are challenges against other players.
o   Some are just fun concepts like dance mat typing.
o   Oh, yeah, and the test website also has games for an all-in-one experience.

Overall, if you are planning on any type of WAH job, it can be helpful to know your home row keys.  You might not have Mr. Klepac calling out the next key to type, but these are pretty good sources to help you learn at your own pace.

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