Welcome to Why I WAH

When I was thinking of an appropriate name for my blog, I decided on Why I WAH for the simple reason that I'm not only trying to be successful at working from home, but I want to help others do the same. It is not always easy to work from home no matter what anyone says. You have to have the drive and dedication to getting the job finished. Many times you will not have a boss breathing down your neck to finish an assignment. So, you also have to think about why you want to WAH, as well, and hold that close to give you the perseverance to work at it.

Monday, February 28, 2011


This is one of my favorite fall back WAH positions and the company itself has been around for ten years. Whenever I have a little time I log in and do some data entry for keyforcash.com. With this website you are paid to type. It is as simple as that. If this position appeals to you then you are able to sign up for the free service. Then you have to take a test to see where your typing skills are at. There are several different types of keying that you can do through this company, such as alphanumeric, numeric, dates, and dollars and cents. You are able to take the test everyday to improve on your score until you are hired in by the company. They hire individuals that have high test scores so it can be good to keep re-testing to beat your previous scores. If you find that your keying skills need to be improved upon there are websites that can help you with practicing them, such as www.typingtest.com. It can take just a few days to months to be hired by this company as they only hire as needed. Once you are hired you will start typing for money by signing in to the website. Available work will be shown and you can select what you want to work on. There are times when there is no work. I've noticed around tax time tends to be busy, but it is best to sign in whenever you have a moment to work to see if there is any work. The amount you are paid per character is low, but once you get in a good grove it is possible to make some spare money using this website. However, this is not something that you can pay all of your bills with. Every week the cut-off date for payment is on Thursday. If you have $20.00 or more in your account you will be sent a check, if not it will be rolled over until you have it. I've noticed it takes about three weeks to receive your check after the Thursday you qualify.

Pros –

  • Anyone can sign up for free
  • Pays by check
  • Pays weekly if threshold is hit
  • Low threshold of $20.00
  • Can be worked alongside with other WAH positions
  • No schedule or availability required
Cons –

  • Not always busy
  • Long wait on check to be processed and mailed
  • Hiring process can be lengthy
  • Have to take a test
Overall, this can be a good way to keep your typing skills up to par and make a little extra money on the side. If you enjoy data entry and just being able to type to make money try this company out to see if it works for you.

UPDATE: I logged in today (3/9/11) and realized that they have made some changes.  They are paying more per character, but they have changed the payout amount from $20 to $25.

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